Case : Jacket
Case Number : 9746
Date Filed : 07/08/2024

Elk Development, LLC's Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Construct a 2.142 MW Solar Photovoltaic Facility in Carroll County, Maryland.

No. Subject Date
1 Elk Development, LLC - its Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity authorizing the construction of the Pleasant Valley Solar Project in Carroll County, Maryland Case No 9746 (ML 310694) 07/08/2024
2 The Commission - Delegation to PULJ. Case No. 9746 (ML 310696) 07/08/2024
3 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Notice of Procedural Dates. Case No. 9746 (ML 310699) 07/08/2024
4 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Preliminary Service List. Case No. 9746 (ML 310700) 07/08/2024
5 Office of People's Counsel - Entry of Appearance. Case No. 9746 (ML 310705) 07/08/2024
6 Office of Staff Counsel - Entry of Appearance. Case No. 9746 (ML 310983) 07/19/2024
7 Elk Development, LLC - Response to PPRP Data Request No. 1. Case No. 9746 (ML 311530) 08/08/2024
8 DNR-PPRP - Notice of Recommendation on Completeness. Case No. 9746 (ML 311847) 08/22/2024
9 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Notice of Completeness Determination. Case No. 9746 (ML 311856) 08/22/2024
10 Public Utility Law Judge Division - Notice of Prehearing Conference. Case No. 9746 (ML 311859) 08/22/2024
11 Elk Development, LLC - its Submission of Notice of Completeness Determination Case No. 9746 (ML 311860) 08/22/2024
12 Elk Development, LLC - Certificates of Publication. Case No. 9746 (ML 312094) 09/04/2024